The 5 market trends that will appeal to talent in 2023
Futur of work

The 5 market trends that will appeal to talent in 2023

Written by
Manon Leboeuf
Talent hunting, outsourcing profiles, discover the trends that will appeal to employees and freelancers this year!

To say that the last few years have shaken up the job market is an understatement. The emergence of freelancing, the ecological emergency and the search for meaning have led us to question our personal situation and to position ourselves more closely on our relationship with work. While these phenomena revealed the various frustrations and discomforts of workers, this made it possible to highlight their real needs on the job market. How do you jump in and use these changes to your advantage? Discover the 5 2023 trends that you will be able to take advantage of!



1. The talent hunt is on


2. The outsourcing of profiles is booming


3. The integration of talent as a guarantee of success


4. The priority is commitment to restore meaning


5. The collective at the heart of performance


1. The talent hunt is on

In recent months, we have observed a change in the labor market, and many companies are no longer finding the right fit. Without talent available on the market, experts qualified enough for the position to be filled, or solid arguments to attract their next hires, companies face a real shortage of qualified talent. This period may well continue in 2023.

One thing is certain, it is a boon for expert talents who are currently looking for a job or a Freelance assignment, whose offers are multiplying every week. No more hurry: this period is an opportunity to take the time and look for an offer that is truly adapted to your needs and expertise. But this also applies to talents who are already on a permanent contract. Why not take the opportunity to think more consciously about your ambition and the prospects of your professional project? What if you finally gave yourself time to understand what really suits you?

2. The outsourcing of profiles is booming

The direct consequence of this generalized and scarce research is a boon for more “atypical” profiles, such as freelancers for example. Some companies were still attached to specific profiles, methodologies or types of recruitment. But these businesses are now being pushed to open up to other ways to recruit in order to find the much coveted expertise.

Talent outsourcing is thus at the top of the list of 2023 trends, but in reality, this phenomenon has only increased in recent years. The more qualified the talents are, the more likely they are to start their own business in order to promote their specialized expertise. Now, businesses have understood this.

The acceleration of freelancing is thus pushing the debate on new working frameworks and contractual means. In a way, this makes it even easier to collaborate with subcontractors, freelancers, ad hoc consultants or even temporary workers. But the reflection goes so far as to even question working methods. So what about the hybridization of teams, the workplace and of course the status under which to contract a talent? Answers are already beginning: skills as the first criterion, the mix of freelances/employees in companies, 100% teleworking, the framework contract with third parties when companies use freelancers... Promising beginnings and for those who are still hesitant, a favourable period to start freelancing!

3. The integration of talent as a guarantee of success

Alongside recruiters, human resources are facing new expectations. These two branches of business are directly impacted by market dynamics and the unprecedented demands of talents in terms of their integration into the company. Also, HR practices tend to evolve. For example, we can consider that Onboarding receives particular attention in 2023 since this moment is crucial for the smooth running of the collaboration. Too often overlooked, companies will restore it to a central position. In fact, a well-received person is more likely to like the company, to stay there and to lead to a successful collaboration.

But what about external profiles then? Will the self-employed be just as well supported, especially if they are asked for a Long-term mission ? In addition, let's not forget the employees who are 100% remote. How can we promote a sense of belonging in such a setting? These issues should be the main challenges for human resources in 2023.

To retain, to include, to federate, will be as many words that you will be able to hear in the coming months. As talents, it will be in your best interest to help define them and allow HR to truly contribute to your well-being.

4. The priority is commitment to restore meaning

You have certainly read it in the media and maybe even felt it yourself: the question of the meaning of work is on everyone's lips. This criterion becomes decisive for choosing a job, sometimes even before remuneration. While it is up to everyone to give personal meaning to their expectations from work, more and more companies already offer some answers.

At the employee level, this means defining a clear business project and communicating the expectations of collaboration to rule out any misunderstandings, both for talent and for businesses. It is no longer a question of blindly contributing to the enrichment of a commercial activity but of showing how collaboration voluntarily participates in a project that makes sense, through the ethical values of the company, through its strong involvement in eco-responsibility issues or through its concrete commitment to a cause.

Through these questions CSR In fact, businesses are more aware than ever of their social, societal and environmental impact. Without neglecting the importance of benefits and pay, businesses are ready to act accordingly. To avoid any accusations of “greenwashing”, they will have to put in place strong, ethical measures in accordance with their reason for being, for example, by becoming companies with missions.

5. The collective at the heart of performance

Many trends point to a fundamental problem: when to celebrate the successes of the collective? This, of course, leads to other questions that are just as crucial around corporate culture, life at work and even simply the value of the human person. Businesses are often orchestrated like machines, but we sometimes forget the primary resource of all their mechanisms: human resources. In fact, this is what more and more structures want to enhance through their employer brand. Human qualities and the values of empathy, solidarity and listening are thus gaining ground.

But this better consideration of the collective also implies becoming aware of the needs of the group. The performances are only better. This is the case when moments of conviviality and celebration are increased but above all valued. This involves taking part in the corporate culture and actively participating both in the well-being of the collective and in one's own.

We can therefore say that the year 2023 will be favorable for many talents who are looking for a job, want to change jobs or even think about their impact at work. These trends are an opportunity to take an active part in future business upheavals. It is interesting to look at them from a new perspective: how, at our individual level, can we contribute to making talent/business collaborations more positive?

Manon Leboeuf
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