Importance and challenges of digital transformation in business

Importance and challenges of digital transformation in business

Written by
Manon Ngaako

The 90s marked the first appearance of the World Wide Web in the world of work. As early as the year 2000, the phenomenon exploded thanks to broadband. Today, 85% of managers say that the absence of digital transformation compromises the competitiveness of their company (BCG, 2023). And for good reason: today, businesses need to define strategic business goals that only new technologies can help them achieve. They therefore need to ensure that they have talents that master the digital environment. As a result, new jobs are emerging. Data scientists, cybersecurity specialists, mobile application developers, and artificial intelligence experts are, among others, key collaborators whose skills contribute to the digital transformation of the company. But what exactly is behind the term “digital transformation”? How can such changes be implemented? And what are the benefits? For you, Beager deciphers the phenomenon of digital transition and explains its impact.


What is digital transformation?

If for you digital transformation refers to the simple fact of existing online, you are on the right track, but you are missing information. In reality, transforming a business digitally means integrating digital technology into all aspects of society, as well as:

  • The business model
  • That internal work processes and organization
  • Or how to interact with customers and partners

To allow these restructuring to be implemented, various professions have emerged in recent years. Among them:

  • Jobs that are experts in the use of automation tools based on artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Developer...)
  • Jobs that are experts in the exploitation of Big Data data (Big Data Engineer, Data Analyst, Data Architect...)
  • And expert jobs in marketing and digital communication (Social Media Manager, Content Strategist, Digital Project Manager...)

If the digital transformation must be initiated by the will of the management team, it is all the expertise mentioned that will allow the project to come to fruition.

According to a study relayed by the Terros group 49% of retailers consider that digital transformation does not contribute to the company's turnover or do not know how to measure it. However, in business, digitalization optimizes many operations, improves customer understanding and offers greater flexibility in the organization of teams.


Digital transformation: the advantages

According to A McKinsey study, digitalized businesses can improve their productivity by 20 to 30%.

Recognizing the positive impact of a good digital transition strategy, the Eurostar, NOZ and RATP groups, among others, called on Beager to find expert talent, able to lead the management of digital change in their organizations. Our consultants intervened to implement and rationalize new tools, offering ever more competitiveness to these groups.

Indeed, digital transformation offers serious advantages, including:

  • Increased operational efficiency, since digital tools automate processes to reduce costs while increasing efficiency (project management software, for example, optimizes workflows and reduces the time spent on certain tasks).
  • A great innovation in the products and services offered, since digitalization is bringing new products and services, and even the improvement of the existing offer (order terminals have appeared in various fast-food restaurants) and automatic cash registers are now available in most supermarkets. The objective? Accelerate order taking or checkout).
  • An improvement in the customer experience, since new technologies allow for responsive and personalized experiences (Spotify, for example, offers its users personalized playlists on a daily basis based on the analysis of musical tastes).

“The customer is king” is an adage that has never been more true than it is now. In our age of instantaneity, it is no longer a question for businesses to simply seek competitive advantage. It is now a question of sticking to the precise expectations of an audience whose habits can be defined, and future behaviors predicted, all as quickly as possible. It is therefore essential for any company to think about how its business can implement a strategy of transition effective digital.


How to implement digital transformation in your company?

Before discussing the essentials of a successful digital transition, it is important to remember that you must first study and define your needs. Indeed, the strategy to adopt will depend on the strengths of your company and the challenges it faces. These key points will help you know what to do and what actions to prioritize among the following:

  • Choosing the right technologies: select the tools and technologies that best fit the company's situation.
  • Train and develop your team: preparing your employees to use new technologies is one of the essential points for success.
  • Calling on external talent : working with external partners who can provide additional expertise and resources is one of the smartest solutions for fast and excellent results.

In the latter case, you can count on Beager to connect you with the best independent experts to get the best results. From the search for talent to the end of the mission, Beager supports your digital transition projects through 100% personalized follow-up. Like Eurostar, NOZ and the RATP Group, you too benefit from the expertise of Beager consultants and take your business to the next level.


Although some French companies are not yet taking the measure, digital transformation is a major challenge in the Future of Work. Digitalization is no longer just about getting a head start on the competition. From now on, it is essential to the longevity of any business. Luckily, it's never too late to get started. So if you haven't started it yet, embark on the futuristic adventure of digital transition!

Manon Ngaako
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