Skills to have as a consultant

Skills to have as a consultant

Written by
Thibault Devise
What skills do consultants need? Learn about the most important ones and how to develop them.

As a freelance consultant, technical skills, while necessary, are not enough to guarantee success. Customers are looking for professionals who master “soft skills,” a set of soft skills, such as soft skills, behavior, and communication. These skills are crucial for building strong relationships, solving problems effectively, andadapt to a constantly changing environment.

In this article, we'll explore in detail six of these essential “soft skills” that any freelance consultant should develop to excel in this competitive industry.

La Adaptability

Depending on the nature of their missions, consultants must excel in the art of adaptability. Each mission they undertake plunges them into a whole new environment: businesses with their own cultures, teams, and ways of operating. This reality requires the ability to adapt quickly and effectively.

A consultant must be able to quickly understand and adapt to unknown work environments and processes. Fortunately, the ability to adapt is not an innate quality, but a skill that can be improved.

La ability to adapt is one of the most crucial skills for a freelance consultant. The business world is changing rapidly, and customer needs can change overnight. As a consultant, you need to be able to adapt quickly to new circumstances, changing demands, and unexpected challenges.

How to develop this skill:

Continuing education: Stay up to date by taking courses, reading specialized publications, and attending conferences relevant to your field. Updated knowledge will allow you to better anticipate market developments.
Networking: Maintain professional relationships with other consultants, industry experts, and potential customers. The information and ideas shared by your network can help you adapt quickly to change.
Flexibility: Be ready to adjust your approach according to the needs of each customer. Every business is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Flexibility is essential to adapt to specific situations.

THEActive listening

Active listening is one of the fundamental soft skills for a freelance consultant. It involves paying full attention to what your customer is saying, understanding their needs, and asking relevant questions to get additional information. Effective communication starts with active listening.

How to develop this skill:

Eliminate distractions: When you're in a meeting or talking to a customer, eliminate distractions like phone notifications or other ongoing tasks. Focus fully on the person speaking.

Ask open-ended questions: Instead of simply nodding in agreement or answering with a simple “yes” or “no,” ask open-ended questions that encourage your customer to express themselves more. This will help you get more detailed information.

Summarize and rephrase: After your customer has shared information, summarize what you understood and rephrase to ensure that you have properly understood their needs. It shows your commitment to understanding.

La Ability to work in a team

The ability to work in a team is essential, even for independent consultants. You may need to collaborate with other consultants, employees of your client, or external partners. Knowing how to work effectively with others is the key to success.

How to develop this skill:

Communication: Effective communication is the basis for successful collaboration. Be sure to clearly share your ideas, ask for feedback, and listen to the contributions of other team members.

Conflict Management: Conflicts can happen in any team. Learn to deal with them constructively by identifying problems, offering solutions, and promoting open dialogue.

Sharing responsibilities: Be prepared to share tasks and responsibilities with other team members. Dividing tasks based on the strengths of each member can improve team effectiveness.


Assertiveness is a skill that allows you to communicate clearly, directly, and respectfully. It is crucial for expressing your ideas, defending your beliefs and negotiating successfully. Freelance consultants must be able to assert themselves while maintaining good professional relationships.

How to develop this skill:

Practice direct communication: Express your opinions in a direct but respectful manner. Avoid beating around the bush and be candid in your communications.

Stress Management: Learn to manage stress and anxiety as it can help you stay calm and assertive even in tense situations.

Negotiation: Hone your negotiation skills to reach agreements that are satisfactory for all parties involved. Look for win-win solutions.

La Pedagogy

Pedagogy is a skill that, although sometimes overlooked, is of crucial importance for a successful freelance consultant. At the core of this competency is the ability to pass on your knowledge and recommendations in a way that your customers can fully understand. To develop this competence, it is essential to understand the key aspects of pedagogy applied to the world of counseling.

How to develop this skill:

Simplification: Practice simplification by explaining complicated concepts clearly and concisely. Use concrete examples to illustrate your points.

Create learning materials: Design educational materials such as presentations, guides, or videos to make it easier for your customers to understand.

Adaptability: Know how to adapt your teaching style according to the needs and preferences of your customers. Some people learn better by doing, while others prefer detailed explanations.

La Ability to analyze and synthesize

La ability to analyze and synthesize is an essential pillar for any freelance consultant, as it allows you to solve complex problems and make informed decisions. As a consultant, you will frequently face challenges that require thorough understanding and thoughtful action. This implies the need to collect, analyze, and summarize information in an effective manner.

How to develop this skill:

Critical analysis: Practice critical analysis by looking at problems or situations from a variety of perspectives. Ask relevant questions to dig deeper into the topic.

Analysis tools: Familiarize yourself with the analysis tools that are relevant to your field, whether they are software, methodologies, or statistical techniques.

Clear summary: Work on the ability to synthesize complex information into clear and concise presentations or reports. Identify key points and recommendations.

So, do you master these 6 skills? 🙂 If you want boost your freelance business, do not hesitate to read this article on the subject!

Thibault Devise
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