Digital strategy advisor: job description and role

Digital strategy advisor: job description and role

Written by
Thibault Devise
Do you need a digital strategy advisor? Discover the job description and the various missions.


Why is a digital strategy essential

In the current digital age, digital strategy is proving to be the essential pillar of prosperity for any smart business. By acting as a compass in an ever-changing digital landscape, it aims to amplify online visibility, improve brand awareness, channel targeted traffic, and achieve concrete business goals.

If you are looking for a consulting in Digital strategy, do not hesitate to contact us.

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What does a digital strategy include?

A comprehensive digital strategy includes several crucial elements:


The audit is the first step in a digital strategy. It is a deepening of the company's online presence. This includes the analysis of its website, social networks, advertising campaigns, and other acquisition channels. Carried out by a digital strategy advisor, the objective is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company's digital presence, thus providing a solid basis for the development of the strategy.

Competitive benchmark

A comparative analysis must be carried out in order to assess the digital positioning of the company in relation to its competitors. This step helps to understand industry best practices, identify untapped opportunities, and position the business competitively in the digital landscape.

In order to allow this analysis, it is necessary to use a BCG matrix. This will allow you to obtain a global vision of the market.

Web performance analysis

Web performance analysis is an ongoing process that evaluates the results obtained by implementing a digital strategy. This involves constantly monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs), such as web traffic, conversion, and user engagement. The data collected guides the adjustments necessary to optimize the strategy based on concrete feedback.

Identifying the levers

This step consists in determining the most relevant digital channels and tools to achieve the goals set. It is a question of selecting the levers that will maximize the impact of the strategy according to the nature of the company, its target audience, and its specific objectives. A very large number of levers exist, for example social networks, emailing or even paid campaigns.

Leverage strategy

Once the levers have been identified, a strategy for each lever is developed. This involves creating specific approaches for each chosen channel, maximizing their individual potential. Each lever, whether it's social media, SEO, online advertising, or other channels, is optimized according to the characteristics of the company and its audience.


Support is a key element of the digital strategy. It is a continuous support throughout the implementation of the strategy. Digital strategy consultants work closely with the business, providing advice, adjustments, and recommendations to ensure that the strategy is aligned with the goals.

Management and reporting

The constant monitoring of performances is ensured by rigorous management. Consultants draw up detailed reports, presenting the results obtained thanks to the digital strategy. These reports guide future decisions, allowing adjustments in real time to maximize the effectiveness of the strategy and achieve the goals set.

The main objectives of a digital strategy

A well-designed digital strategy aims to achieve several fundamental goals, each contributing to the success of the business.

→ Becoming visible: In a saturated environment, the primary objective is to stand out. Being visible means being noticed among others in the eyes of customers. This often involves effective optimization of communication channels, an active presence on social networks, and a solid SEO strategy so that the company is easily found by its target audience.

→ Improve brand awareness: Brand awareness is crucial for establishing trust and recognition. A digital strategy seeks to reinforce the positive perception of the brand in the minds of consumers. This can be done through marketing campaigns, social media engagement, and creating a consistent brand identity across channels.

→ Generating traffic: Attracting qualified visitors to the website is a central objective. The digital strategy must channel traffic from various sources to the company's site. Consultants will therefore have an impact on natural referencing (SEO), targeted online advertising, and social networks to direct traffic to specific pages.

→ Generating sales: Finally, converting traffic into loyal customers is the ultimate goal. An effective digital strategy must create a smooth user journey, from discovery to purchase.

The job of digital strategy consultant

As a digital strategy consultant, your missions are varied and crucial for the success of your customers. Here is an in-depth look at the missions and roles you will perform:

  • Strategy design: Your first responsibility is to develop tailor-made digital strategies. It starts with a thorough understanding of the needs, goals, and specificities of each customer. You will analyze existing data, identify opportunities, and design a strategic approach that is aligned with defined goals.
  • Implementation: Once the strategy is defined, you will be in charge of implementing it. This can therefore include coordinating with internal or external teams, managing the required resources, and ensuring that every aspect of the strategy is properly executed.
  • Continuous optimization: The digital world is changing rapidly, and your role will be to ensure the relevance and effectiveness of the strategy. This involves constant performance analysis, identification of opportunities for improvement, and strategic adjustments to maximize results.
  • Strategy guide: As a consultant, you act as the company's strategic guide. You'll provide advice, share expertise, and help the business make informed digital marketing decisions. Your role is to ensure that the strategy aligns perfectly with the company's broader business goals.
  • Close collaboration: Collaboration with internal teams and stakeholders is essential. You will work hand in hand with the company, understand its culture and values, and collaborate with the various departments to ensure the coherence and effectiveness of the online strategy.

Salaries and career prospects

Salaries in the field of digital strategy can vary significantly depending on the experience and reputation of the consultant.

  • Junior Consultant (0-2 years of experience): Around €40,000 to €60,000 per year.
  • Intermediate Consultant (2-5 years of experience): Between €60,000 and €80,000 per year.
  • Senior Consultant (5-10 years of experience): From €80,000 to €100,000 and more per year.

In freelancing, the TJM (average daily rate) can range from 500 euros for the most junior to more than 1100 euros for senior consultants.

The qualities and skills to do this job

To excel in this field, you need to combine keen analytical skills, a deep understanding of digital trends, excellent communication skills, and an ability to constantly innovate to stay ahead of the competition.

In short, you should have knowledge in:

  • Numeric
  • Community management
  • HTML and CSS
  • CMS mastery
  • Mastery of analysis tools such as Google Analytics
  • SEO, SEA and SMA techniques


Trainings to become a digital strategy consultant

In order to become a digital strategy consultant, it is necessary to have a bac+4 or bac+5 level.

Several courses can allow you to acquire expertise in this field requiring solid skills in digital marketing.

A master's degree in Webmarketing (digital strategy and innovation), a business school or even an engineering school.

Professional evolutions

As you gain more experience, you can broaden your skills portfolio, and evolve into the roles of digital manager or digital director.

You will also be able to run your own agency.

The field offers flexibility and exciting opportunities for growth.


Are you looking for a mission or a digital strategy consultant? Contact us! 🙂

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Thibault Devise
Updated on:
Content optimization, KPI analysis, and reporting are part of my daily missions.
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