Portrait of Yamina, senior project manager in payroll

Portrait of Yamina, senior project manager in payroll

Written by
Manon Leboeuf
Yamina, Product Manager in payroll management, specializing in revenue management, facilitates the daily life of customers by implementing new solutions.

Yamina is a Senior Project Manager specializing in revenue management. Its mission is to identify the functions and working methodologies of employees in order to implement technical solutions that will facilitate their daily lives. An expert in this field for more than 25 years, she recently started wage portage and wants to share her feedback with us. Discover his feedback.

Can you tell us about your career in a few words?

I have a three-pronged profile: I started as Product Manager specialized in revenue management, This led me to the position of Revenue Management Director where I was responsible for more than thirty hotels. Afterwards, I worked for revenue management software publishers. My consulting experience is very recent, I have been doing it for only a few months and my current mission is also my first experience as an independent consultant.

When you have the chance to gain experience in various fields as was the case for me, it's natural to want to change your business to help even more people who want to optimize their daily lives and apply what I already know how to do.

What were your motivations for becoming independent?

Originally, I did not want to become my own boss and therefore to be independent. Sometimes it's in the back of my head: I wanted to do consulting for years but I had this doubt in my heart: “I don't know how to make it happen”. Find missions seemed complicated to me before I was carrying. I didn't know how to do it. For me, it was really not easy to convince someone to use my services.

What are the major differences that you may have encountered in relation to employment?

I will probably say like everyone else: there is no boss above us. On the other hand, we are 1000% invested in ensuring that our customer is satisfied. I have always been a conscientious person so these responsibilities do not necessarily change my salary. But being independent is certainly a freedom and it also involves fewer constraints.

Of course, there is also uncertainty: my next contracts should be renewed for another 2 years but you never know what may happen in the meantime. I would also say that the challenge lies in the lack of visibility. But I am ready to take on it and above all, I want to!

You became a freelancer with the help of this mission. Do you think you will stay that way?

It is a situation that suits me very well at the moment. But if I can't find a mission after my current client, becoming an employee again will suit me too. However, just before starting my mission, I was offered 3 other different opportunities so maybe it's not as difficult as I think. In any case, I am confident for the future and then: Carpe Diem.

A few words about your status?

When Beager told me about wage portage, it was perhaps the best option for me because it allowed me to accept this mission without having to create a company. Their support showed me that it was possible and pushed me in that direction.

Sometimes I talk about wage portage around me but very few people know about this statute. Those who are independent also find that it is a very good formula when starting out. If I had one piece of advice to give to a freelancer starting out, It is to choose this status.

And finally, do you have a morning routine or a habit that boosts your motivation?

My day always starts with meditation! It's very important for me because it can happen to work your body until you're exhausted but for your brain to work, we also need moments of pause and serenity. Apart from that, when I am working from home, I always try to go out and take a walk during the day to get some fresh air. Slowing down a bit can only be good.

Manon Leboeuf
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