The best methods as a PMO

The best methods as a PMO

Written by
Thibault Devise
Discover the best ways to work for project manager officers. We give you all the tips to improve.

Adopting a structured approach is essential for PMO consultants (project manager officer). Here we give you practical advice to optimize your work and contribute to the success of your projects.

Plan for the short and medium term

Effective planning over 3 to 6 months allows you to focus on short and medium term goals, promoting more accurate time and resource management.

Developing a detailed schedule of activities, including regular checkpoints to assess progress and adjust the plan if necessary, is a plus.

This period is long enough to implement significant changes and short enough to stay. nimble and responsive to changes in the market or organization.

Prioritize projects and resources according to the objectives

Start by establishing a clear hierarchy of projects based on their alignment with the organization's strategic goals. Use criteria such as expected return on investment, impact on customer satisfaction, or contribution to long-term growth to classify projects. Once this prioritization is established, allocate resources in a way that maximizes efficiency, taking into account both the skills needed and the available work capacity.

Conduct a thorough study of the company's demand and capabilities

Project portfolio analysis is a crucial element for any business looking to align its operations with its strategic goals. It offers an overview to precisely identify the company's offers and the essential requirements to achieve its strategic ambitions. This approach makes it possible to accurately assess the organization's capacity to meet demand, while highlighting the gaps in terms of skills and resources.

To carry out this analysis, it is necessary to integrate an assessment of market trends and customer expectations, while carrying out an analysis of the company's internal strengths and weaknesses. The aim is to identify gaps between skills and resources in relation to future needs. Once these gaps have been identified, the company can consider various strategies to fill them, such as internal training, recruiting new talent, or outsourcing.

Identifying weak spots and opportunities for improvement plays an important role in business. This may involve the recognition of missing specialties or key roles within the organization that are needed to respond effectively to demand. In addition, this analysis should reveal the existence of underused or duplicated resources that, once redeployed or eliminated, could significantly increase business efficiency.

It is obviously necessary to take stock of the situation and to make an inventory of the resources that provide the greatest added value. This approach allows efforts and investments to be focused on the areas most critical to value creation, ensuring that the company does not only meet demand, but does so in a way that maximizes strategic impact and customer satisfaction.

Set up a skills matrix for all teams

The skills matrix is a visual tool that lists the skills available within the company compared to those required for each project. It helps to quickly identify where skills are sufficient, where they are lacking, and where they could be developed. This approach allows for proactive management of skills development and better planning of project assignments.

Anticipate and plan for change

For PMOs, the rapid evolution of projects and the current environment requires constant vigilance in order to detect and anticipate strategic changes, consider various possible futures, and proactively allocate resources to navigate these contingencies.

This agility lies in the effective use of simulations and scenario planning, a capability that is often integrated into advanced project portfolio management (PPM) tools. These tools not only facilitate the prediction of the potential impacts of strategic changes on the organization, but also offer the possibility of preparing emergency action plans for the reallocation of resources if necessary.

Setting up simulations and planning according to various scenarios is not only a matter of caution. It offers tangible and strategic benefits.

It allows a predictive and automatic design of the company's project portfolio, ensuring that it remains focused on creating value while taking into account resource limitations and availability. In addition, this approach facilitates the company's ability to readjust its portfolio according to fluctuations in resource needs or changes in strategic priorities.

Facilitate the resource allocation process

Optimize resource allocation by using methodologies and tools that take into account both specific skills and overall workload. This often involves juggling priorities and making trade-offs between projects.

Clear communication about why allocation decisions are made can help keep teams engaged.

Improving resource management with PPM software

PPM software provides an overview of projects and resources, making it easier to make decisions based on data.

It makes it possible to monitor progress, identify bottlenecks, and adjust plans in real time. Selecting software adapted to the specific needs of the organization is crucial.

Bring back the data that businesses really need

Ensure reports and dashboards are customized to meet the specific information needs of each department or business function.

This means working closely with end users to understand their requirements and presenting data in a way that facilitates analysis and decision making.

Providing decision-makers with simple information

The ability to synthesize complex data into clear insights is essential. Focusing on the essentials and presenting information concisely, using data visualizations to clarify key points is a plus. Reports for decision makers should cut to the chase, highlighting critical information that requires action or decision.

Ensure that this information is up to date, accurate, and accurately reflects the current status of projects.


If you are looking for a PMO consultant to expand your teams, do not hesitate to contact us.

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Thibault Devise
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