How to use social networks to build customer loyalty

How to use social networks to build customer loyalty

Written by
Thibault Devise
Learn how to build customer loyalty using social media. We give you all the tips to achieve it.

Social networks have become an essential tool for businesses wishing to retain their customers. In this article, we'll explore in detail the various strategies you can use to take advantage of these platforms and ensure customer loyalty. Discover how social networks can become a major asset in your loyalty strategy.

First of all, it is important to choose the most relevant social networks for your business according to your sector of activity. For example, Instagram and Pinterest are good for businesses that have a product for individuals, while LinkedIn is ideal for B2B businesses. Make sure you select the platforms that best fit your target audience.

The challenges of customer loyalty

Customer loyalty is essential for the sustainability of your business. On average, businesses lose around 20% of their customers each year, which can have a significant impact on revenue. This desertion may seem inevitable, but it can be reduced through effective customer retention strategies.

Additionally, it's important to note that acquiring new customers is generally five times more expensive than retaining existing customers. When trying to attract new customers, you need to invest in advertising, marketing, promotions, and other efforts to convince them to choose your business.

Statistics show that you have a 60-70% chance of selling to an existing customer, while the probability of selling to a new customer is only 5-20%. Selling to someone you already know is a lot easier because they already trust your business and your products or services.

Respond more quickly to its customers and ensure after-sales service

Social networks make it possible to respond quickly to the needs and concerns of your customers, thus strengthening customer satisfaction and the quality of after-sales service. Here's how it works:

Speed and efficiency

On social networks, communication happens instantly. For example, on Twitter, 53% of users expect to receive a response within an hour. This responsiveness makes it possible to quickly resolve problems and answer customer questions, which makes them happy and builds their trust in your business.

Large companies can benefit by dedicating specific teams to customer service on social networks, thus offering a quick and professional response. For example, Amazon has a Twitter account dedicated to customer service, @AmazonHelp, which responds quickly to customer concerns.

For small businesses, interacting directly with customers is just as effective. By responding personally to messages and comments, you show your commitment to their satisfaction, which is essential for customer loyalty.

Give a more human character to your brand

Social networks are an ideal showcase for humanizing your business and creating an emotional connection with your audience. Here's how to do it in detail:

Use of authentic language

On social media, authenticity is the key to building meaningful connections with your followers. Use simple, authentic language in your posts and responses. Avoid overly formal speech that may seem impersonal. Your tone should reflect your brand personality while remaining professional. For example, a cosmetics company can share beauty tips using language that is friendly and accessible.

Engaging in genuine conversations

Engage in genuine conversations with your subscribers. Respond to their comments and messages in a personal way. Show that you listen and care about their needs and concerns. Ask questions to encourage discussion and interaction.

Sharing authentic stories

Go behind the scenes by sharing authentic stories about your business and its employees. Tell me about moments of success, challenges overcome, or social initiatives in which you participate.

Starbucks, an example of successful humanization

Starbucks is a great example of using social media to humanize a brand. On Instagram, they regularly share photos and stories featuring their baristas, the artisans behind every cup of coffee. These publications show that behind the big company are individuals who are passionate about their job, thus strengthening the emotional connection with the brand.

Highlight your brand values

Communicating your company values on social media can play a central role in building customer loyalty. Here's how you can highlight your values and strengthen the brand in more detail:

Identify your core values

Before you can communicate them effectively, start by identifying the core values of your business. What are the beliefs that guide her? This can be a commitment to the environment, sustainability, ethics, social responsibility, innovation, or other essential principles. Once you have clearly defined these values, you can incorporate them into your social media communication strategy.

Share responsible initiatives

On social networks, regularly share responsible initiatives that your company takes to support its values. For example, if you are an environmentally friendly business, share information about your sustainable practices, such as reducing carbon emissions, using recycled materials, or participating in reforestation projects. Show your followers that your actions align with your values.

Social actions and projects

Actively engage in social actions and projects that reflect your values. For example, if your business values education, support educational programs for disadvantaged communities and share these initiatives on social media. Customers are more likely to stay loyal to a brand that is positively involved in society.

Patagonia, an inspiring example

Patagonia is an inspiring example of a company that highlights its values on social networks. Known for its commitment to the environment, Patagonia regularly shares information about its sustainable initiatives, such as its “Don't Buy This Jacket” campaign encouraging the reduction of consumption. They also actively support environmental preservation projects and encourage their subscribers to get involved in similar actions.

Engaging your audience

Actively engaging your audience on social media is a powerful strategy for building customer loyalty. According to Sprout Social, 57% of consumers are more likely to buy from a brand they follow on social media, and that 76% choose to buy from them over the competition. Here's how to implement this approach in more detail:

Ask for their opinion on products or services

Regularly ask your audience for opinions on products or services that you plan to launch or improve. Create surveys, ask questions, or organize open discussions. When customers feel that their feedback matters, they're more invested in your brand.

Personalize the customer experience

Use the data available on social networks to personalize the customer experience. Identify the individual preferences of your subscribers by analyzing their behavior and interactions. Then, adapt your content and offers based on this information.

Testimonies and sharing experiences

Encourage happy customers to share their experiences and stories on social media. Use specific hashtags to gather these stories and create a community around your brand. Highlight positive testimonials on your website and social networks to show your subscribers that other customers are happy with their purchases.

Engaging your customers

Actively encouraging the participation of your customers on social networks is an effective way to strengthen their engagement and loyalty. Here's how to implement this strategy in more detail:

Exciting contests

Organize contests on your social media accounts on a regular basis. Create clear and engaging rules to encourage customers to participate. Offer attractive prices, such as free products, exclusive discounts, or unique experiences.

Exclusive promotions

Offer exclusive promotions reserved for your subscribers on social networks. This tactic reinforces a sense of belonging to a privileged community. For example, offer a discount code on your social networks to use in your online store or in store. Be sure to promote these offers in a way that encourages customers to subscribe or stay subscribed to your accounts.

Active community

Encourage the creation of an active community around your brand. Create groups or forums where your customers can chat, share experiences, and ask questions. An engaged community creates a sense of belonging and keeps customers coming back regularly to interact with other members and with your brand.

Measure the results

Be sure to measure the results of your efforts to engage your customers. Analyze the participation rate in contests, the number of subscribers gained through exclusive promotions, and the evolution of the number of loyal customers thanks to your loyalty program. This data will allow you to adjust your strategy based on feedback from your customers.

Maintaining customer trust

Trust is a fundamental pillar of customer loyalty. To further explore this crucial concept, here's how you can maintain the trust of your customers in more detail:

Responsiveness and transparency

The first step in maintaining the trust of your customers is to be responsive and transparent. Respond to their questions and concerns quickly, whether on social media, email, or other channels. Make sure your answers are honest and informative. If you don't know something, don't pretend to know it. Just say you'll check and get back to them.

Problem and error management

Problems and mistakes can happen even in the most reliable businesses. The key is to manage them transparently and proactively. If a customer has a problem with one of your products or services, take steps to resolve it quickly. Admit mistakes when necessary, apologize, and offer satisfactory solutions. Customers value how a business responds to problems more than the problem itself.

Proactive communication

Don't leave your customers in the dark. Keep them informed of important updates, policy changes, or any events that may affect them. Proactive communication shows that you care about their interests and that you see them as full partners in your business relationship.

Building long-term loyalty

Trust built over time ensures long-term loyalty. By meeting the expectations of your customers and by being constantly reliable, you create a relationship of trust that lasts beyond one-off transactions. Long-term loyalty is especially valuable because it results in customers who come back frequently, recommend your business to others, and are less likely to be influenced by the competition.

Measure customer satisfaction

Use customer satisfaction measurement tools to gain valuable information about how your customers perceive your business. Gather comments and opinions on social networks, conduct surveys or surveys to assess their level of satisfaction. This information will help you identify areas where improvements are needed and take steps to maintain customer trust.

Improving the customer experience

Improving the customer experience through social networks can prove to be a considerable asset for loyalty. Here's how you can implement this strategy in more detail:

Creation of a loyalty program on social networks

Set up a well-thought-out loyalty program designed specifically for social networks. Offer attractive rewards to encourage customer loyalty. For example, reward customers for positive interactions on your accounts, content sharing, or repeat purchases. Make sure to make the program transparent and easy for your customers to understand.

Analysis of satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors

Identify the main factors that contribute to customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Use analytics tools to review social media data, customer reviews, and online reviews. This will allow you to better understand what your customers like and what needs to be improved in their experience with your business.

Tracking mentions and topics

Actively monitor mentions of your business on social media. Use intelligence tools to keep track of conversations that matter to you. Identify topics that are frequently discussed and that elicit positive or negative responses. This analysis will give you valuable insights into what matters most to your customers.

Real-time Sentiment Analysis

Use real-time sentiment analysis to assess the tone of your business mentions on social media. Quickly identify positive, negative, and neutral feedback. This will allow you to respond appropriately and quickly to customer concerns. For example, if a customer expresses dissatisfaction on Twitter, a quick and empathetic response can help resolve the problem before it gets worse.

Attribution of mentions to the teams concerned

Ensure that mentions are given to the appropriate teams within your organization. For example, delivery issues can be assigned to the logistics team, while product questions can be directed to the customer support team. Effective coordination ensures that problems are resolved in an efficient and timely manner.

Rewarding commitment

Rewarding customer engagement on social media can be a powerful tool for building customer loyalty. Here's how you can further detail this strategy:

Tangible rewards systems

Set up tangible rewards systems to recognize and reward your customers' engagement on social networks. Rewards can take many forms, such as loyalty points, free products, exclusive discounts, free samples, or even privileged status within your loyalty program. The idea is to offer concrete incentives to encourage ongoing engagement.

Loyalty program

Create a structured loyalty program on social networks. For example, Sephora offers the Beauty Insider program, where members earn loyalty points with every purchase. The more customers engage by sharing product reviews, attending special events, or engaging with the brand on social media, the more points they earn and access higher levels of rewards.

Exclusive content

Offer exclusive content to customers who are engaged on social media. This could include early access to new products, exclusive videos or blog posts, or even webinars for loyalty program members only. This exclusivity reinforces a sense of belonging to a privileged community and encourages customers to stay engaged.

Loyalty points and benefits

Loyalty points can be converted into concrete benefits. For example, customers can redeem their points for free products, discounts on future purchases, or special gifts. The more active customers are on social media and participate in brand activities, the more points they earn, which encourages them to engage more.

Thibault Devise
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