Top 6 key moments to improve the employee experience

Top 6 key moments to improve the employee experience

Written by
Manon Leboeuf
Discover all the moments to optimize in the corporate life of employees to improve the employee experience.

Faced with recruitment difficulties, the employee experience could be the key to sustainably promoting talent engagement. Businesses therefore have every interest in investing in order to contribute to a better quality of life at work. While advantages such as bonuses or the implementation of remote working are particularly appreciated, these are not the arguments that will retain employees in the long term. How to limit the risks of turnover? How to develop an attractive employer brand and attract new talent more easily? Discover 6 key moments to focus on to retain your employees.


1. Recruiting process


2. Onboarding and offboarding


3. Employee follow-up


4. Changes in the position of the collaborator


5. The experience of corporate life


6. Business evolutions


1. Recruiting process

During the recruitment process, candidates already have a glimpse of your employer brand. They have the opportunity to learn more about the mission and to get an overview of the core values and culture of the company. Thanks to the first contacts with HR staff, ambassadors of your employer brand, candidates discover working conditions and can renew their motivation during the recruitment process. Candidates and companies will be able to perceive whether there is a good understanding of the issues, a harmony of mutual expectations, as well as common values.

It is therefore essential to take care of your recruitment processes. In addition to the first exchanges, the various interviews are important markers of your corporate culture. Depending on the orientation of the questions, the expectations presented during the exchange, and the trust and listening granted, you already offer clues to the daily life of the company. Moreover, to confirm your impressions and those of the selected candidate, an immersion day is a good way to anticipate their integration. A way to create a sense of belonging before you even arrive.

2. Onboarding and offboarding

An employee's first days are important because they allow them to quickly build relationships with team members and become familiar with the work environment. In the same way, offboarding must benefit from just as much attention since it permanently marks the last impressions of an employee towards a company. Moreover, let's not forget that these former collaborators will remain your ambassadors. Your future partners, recruits or customers could therefore hear about you in a different way.

So How do you welcome your new hires? What do you plan to organize to promote their integration? What about the last few days in the company? Make sure you have completed all the logistics to reassure the candidate when they are hired by giving them information on time, organizing follow-up meetings, and providing good material conditions upon entry. In the same way, remember to value his added value the day he leaves the company, in particular by supporting the continuation of his career.

3. Employee follow-up

When an employee is well established in his company, it unfortunately happens that his well-being only becomes a subject when he is going through a difficulty. However, ensuring regular monitoring of the employee is necessary to maintain motivation and commitment, or to identify signs of potential difficulties. The annual interview is also an often dreaded moment because it is an opportunity to take stock of the year in full, often the only space offered to employees to share the frustrations encountered. But your role is also to reassure them and to think together about possible optimizations to support them in achieving their goals. Some companies have also fully understood the importance of regular follow-up and offer spaces for exchange from the beginning of the collaboration. Weekly follow-up meetings allow you to take stock of the progress of the work. But nothing prevents organizing more informal points on a monthly basis to allow employees to share their feelings about the team, management or even corporate life.

These moments are particularly important for all employees, including external employees. But freelancers require the installation of new monitoring dynamics, in particular through regular meetings to monitor the progress of the deliverable or the mission. For employees, this reinforces their legitimacy in the company, their trust in the manager and therefore the feeling of being listened to. We know the importance of feedback so why not institutionalize these moments of exchange?

4. Changes in the position of the collaborator

How do you congratulate a successful employee for their work? What support is offered for the career development of your employees? Just as they need regular follow-up on their work, the company is in part an actor in the evolution of the career of its talents. Successful recruitment is often a sign of trust and a long-term investment in a candidate's potential.

Whether it concerns successes as well as the difficulties of employees, managers are the first. motivational vectors. It is therefore important to establish a circle of gratitude to value the quality of the work provided, but it is also important to remember to take the time to understand the difficulties of an employee when the expected results have not been successful. The company can also encourage an employee by financing the training necessary for the specialization of an expertise or the acquisition of new skills following a promotion.

5. The experience of corporate life

The employee experience should be taken into consideration at the individual level, but the collective dimension should not be forgotten. How is the life of your business evaluated? Are the atmosphere, relationships and collective events synonymous with well-being for your employees? Events precisely consolidate relationships between employees and promote decompression. We are thinking in particular of seminars that offer a different framework for exchanging and thinking about problems encountered, possibly finding solutions but also for taking stock of a project or a past period. For more casual and fun events, activities Team building are an opportunity to live an experience that brings together and strengthens relationships around common values.

After all, your business is a community that also needs convivial moments to be able to celebrate, have fun and discover each other in a more informal setting. Some companies also create relaxation areas to relax or even to offer various activities such as internal conferences, sports, book clubs, etc., in order to improve the employee experience. It is therefore up to the company to choose to organize this type of events, but it is also the responsibility of employees to build relationships with their closest colleagues.

6. Business evolutions

The company is not exempt from major changes, especially in terms of management, internal organization or transformation. These moments are sometimes destabilizing for employees, but above all, they are great opportunities to unite around corporate culture. For example, the status of a company with a mission can cause major changes to maximize the impacts of the objectives set. Employees can be actively mobilized to participate in the processes and to monitor the actions put in place. Of course, this requires communication that is transparent enough to clarify these changes and allow the best possible experience for employees. Sometimes, it is indeed the culture of the entire company that is destined to evolve, especially in the face of inclusiveness issues, which aim, for example, to mitigate discrimination between employees.

In both cases, it is necessary to integrate all employees into these transformations. This can take the form of strategic meetings, workshops or even evangelization work by employees in direct contact with external parties to promote these changes.

The quality of life at work has become a major challenge for companies that want to strengthen the commitment of employees. This subject is also intrinsically linked to corporate culture since the well-being of employees is a perfect reflection of it. When a company is concerned with well-being issues, it is likely to reinforce the sense of belonging of its talents. What action could you take right now?

Manon Leboeuf
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