1 out of 3 employees want to become a freelancer

1 out of 3 employees want to become a freelancer

Written by
Manon Leboeuf
Becoming a freelancer is one of the new aspirations of employees. Find out why nearly one employee out of three wants to access this status.

Employees are increasingly seized by new professional aspirations: to feel good at work, to develop their independence or to move towards new career choices. Leaving the workforce for freelancing is one of them. Admittedly, this status is not sufficiently accessible for all, but the means have multiplied in recent years to ensure that everyone is well supported in this new adventure. But is it the only solution to meet their professional ambitions? Let's find out what is really behind this wave of business start-ups.

What is fulfillment at work?

This is the question that new generations of workers ask themselves the most, but seniors are no exception and are more likely to question themselves. Globally, employees have a different awareness of their professional choices through criteria that are now taking a predominant place, such as well-being, working conditions in companies or the way in which they want to use their expertise.

Taking care of yourself

As mental health is becoming an HR topic that is increasingly discussed in companies, many employees say they are dissatisfied at work. Between lack of meaning, boreout, stress and even possible tensions with the hierarchy, employees have more and more difficulty staying motivated to perform their daily tasks effectively. Faced with the immobility of some companies, freelancing is perceived by talents as an oasis in the desert.

Improving your working environment

With the increasing evolution of new practices, businesses may not have kept up with the times and may not always offer working conditions that are at the forefront of the latest trends. We are of course thinking of post-Covid practices such as remote working, full remote or Digital Nomad but other conditions are bound to be improved (flexible working hours, increased wages). While these conditions do not need to be met all, striving for more flexibility at work is now a prerequisite for many employees.

But are companies ready to take this step and offer better working conditions? The market that has become scarce is already a symptom of a question that has not yet been answered. Qualified talent no longer wants to bow down but to find a way of working that better matches their aspirations.

Choose another status

Finally, wage employment may not be a mode of operation that suits everyone. Even today, this employment contract is not just a simple piece of paper but also involves a particular way of working. It induces hierarchical dependence, a specific posture with the employer and a commitment as a company ambassador. The contract is therefore not a simple modality but it is in the process of becoming one.

In any case, this is what the attractiveness of the freelance status brings. Through the diversity of missions, the plurality of its customer contacts or even the management of its business, this status and lifestyle effectively offers a working environment that seems more dynamic and stimulating than an employee. In the minds of many employees, independence therefore implies total freedom to exercise their expertise, without the common obstacles of an employee.

But in fact, is this status the miracle solution for these talents in search of meaning?

Becoming a freelancer: the miracle solution for everyone?

Freelancing or need to change jobs?

While it is more obvious to identify the dysfunctions of one's current job, it is not easy to remedy them through concrete actions. One of the solutions, even before becoming a freelancer, would be to change jobs. However, freelancing is considered to be the best option for some employees. But to think that a statute will solve their personal problems is an illusion. Indeed, freelancing is also not without constraints and also raises challenges that are not always easy to meet.

Here are some examples of questions that can help you think about:

  • What are the missions that make sense for me? What are the ones that give me the feeling of being fully realized (do you know the exercise of The Ikigai ?) ?
  • What social benefits are necessary and/or important for me? What are the ones I can do without?
  • On Maslow's pyramid, what are my priority needs: need for security (high remuneration, access to a higher standard of living), need to belong (join a team that shares my values, integrate a collective around a common project), need for esteem (gain the respect and/or recognition of others), need for achievement (solve problems, restore social justice)?
  • How do I want to feel about my work? What are the sensations that most of me want to experience and feel (to be heard, considered, to feel joy or excitement for the success of a project...)?

The responsibility to realize yourself

While companies must contribute to the improvement of working conditions and social benefits, it will be difficult for them to meet all the needs of their employees. Each talent must effectively take responsibility for their desires and professional ambitions in order to meet their profound aspirations.

For example, 100% remote working is a solution for introverts, for those who travel, for those who want to limit their time in transport, those who have entirely digital jobs or even those who do not need the daily contact of a team. But while this operation is ideal for some, it will not be suitable for others.

Becoming a freelancer may be an answer for those who need independence or want to explore new forms of work. But this status is not the solution for all employees who encounter difficulties in their position. It is of course possible to appreciate the salary but for this, it is necessary to find a work environment adapted to his needs. This can, for example, be achieved if you join a company that respects the schedules of its employees, which offers a few days of teleworking per week and/or which makes a point of honor to benevolent management.

Manon Leboeuf
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