
Recruiting need

A recruitment need for a company is a lack of staff for a mission that needs to be filled.


The CDI is a contract for an indefinite period. This does not have a fixed term in advance. Both the employer and the employee can end it at any time by complying with certain formalities.

Project manager

A project manager is a person who manages a project and who must check that it is running smoothly. Most of the time he manages a team of collaborators to carry it out successfully.


A company's turnover is the sum of sales of goods or services over a given period of time.


A community is a group of people whose members have a social connection that connects them. We can relate this to a class, or to people with common interests.

Nonverbal communication

Unlike verbal communication, non-verbal communication includes all the elements that go into a conversation without taking into account the words. This takes into account voice intonation, facial expressions and body language.

Verbal communication

Verbal communication is, as the word suggests, communication using a verb. It can be oral or via sign language for example.


Business advice is assistance from outside the company allowing managers to be supported and to minimize the risks of company development.


Co-optation is a recruitment technique that will encourage a company's employees to connect its network with its company. If a recruitment takes place, the employee receives a sum of money.

Freelance fees

The expenses of freelancers are mainly social security contributions and professional taxes.

Corporate culture

The culture of a company makes it easier for it to operate. It is based on all the values and behaviors shared by employees.

Pygmalion effect

This effect is based on self-realization, which increases performance and the chances of achieving goals.

Company with a mission

A company with a mission is a company that sets environmental or social goals in addition to the organization's profit goals.

Sole proprietorship

A sole proprietorship is a business run by a single person. The company has no legal personality.


Interpersonal limited liability business is a style of society. It is characterized by the fact that it is not composed of a single partner.

Employee experience

The employee experience is the experience of an employee in a company. This starts during his onboarding and ends with his offboarding.


Taxation refers to all the laws, rules, and measures that govern a country's fiscal framework. It is therefore the set of laws that are similar to taxes.


A freelancer is an independent and self-employed person. Most often, freelancers work for companies for a short or long period of time depending on the missions offered. They must create a self-employed status in order to exercise this profession.

Future of Work

The Future of Work, or in French, or “work of tomorrow”, encompasses all the changes that may occur in the world of work in the coming months and years.

Project manager

Just like the project manager, the project manager leads a project and organizes its smooth running. Most of the time, he manages a project team.

Hard Skills

Hard skills are more technical, more “hard” skills, unlike soft skills. Hard skills are often skills acquired during school or during professional experiences such as software management.


A self-employed person is a person who works for himself. They are therefore autonomous in their organization and respond to the requests of their customers. A freelancer can be seen as an auto-entrepreneur or a freelancer.


A lead can be viewed in a number of different ways. In the majority of cases, it is perceived in a commercial context as being a contact with a prospect.

Vertical management

Hierarchical verticality is based on a top-down decision-making system. There are 2 types of management; strategic management and operational management. The transmission of information goes from the top (director) to the bottom.


A manager can be considered as a leader who must motivate and help his teams in order to achieve certain goals.

Niche market

A niche market is a highly targeted market that makes it possible to reach a limited population where competition is reduced. In most cases, this allows you to improve your margins.

Labor market

The job market is a place where job offers and job applications meet.

SMART method

The SMART method is a management technique that consists in setting small goals and a completion date.

Micro business

A micro enterprise is a company with less than 10 employees, and which has an annual turnover or a balance sheet total of no more than 2 million euros.

Freelance mission

A freelance mission is a specific task given by a company to an independent worker, called a freelancer.

Internal mobility

Internal mobility is the change of position of an employee in a company or in a group. This can be considered as an evolution of function. For the company, the advantage of this mobility may be the reduction of recruitment costs.


A pitch is a short but precise presentation of a project or an idea that aims to convince people, most often investors or customers.

Freelance platform

a freelance platform connects freelancers and businesses. Most of the time, these do not take into account the affinities of each stakeholder.


We talk about positioning for the positioning of a brand or a product. That is to say the image of it as seen by consumers, based on several criteria such as quality or price.


Often it refers to a potential customer. With a broader vision, the prospect is the person that a company tries to reach in order to offer them its goods or services, in order to retain them.


Prospecting is the action of looking for potential customers according to their profiles (also called prospects), in order to obtain more customers.


Recruitment takes into account all the actions put in place in order to integrate a new employee into a company and into a team.

4X20 rule

The 4x20 rule is a technique used in business to stand out from competitors. This makes it possible to put the interlocutor in confidence and to start the relationship in good conditions.

Social networks

A social network is a platform that allows you to connect with other users and share personal content.


The TJM is the average daily rate. This corresponds to the rate of a freelancer depending on the mission requested. It can be equated to the freelancer's salary.