How do I find freelancers who have rare skills?

How do I find freelancers who have rare skills?

Written by
Manon Leboeuf
Finding talent with specialized skills is becoming more and more difficult due to the scarcity of profiles. Find out how to get there.

Discover the history of the Exertis company, which wanted to recruit Tech experts in order to pursue a digital innovation project. But these specialized profiles are more difficult to find, because of their specialized expertise. How do you go about finding these coveted profiles? Jérémy Benmoussa, Digital Director for France & Iberia at Exertis, also a member of the executive committee, shares his testimony with us.

Exertis was looking for two talents with rare skills: a Product Owner to acculturate the company to the Agile method, as well as a Developer experimented on a technology that has become rare.

Requirement on the quality of profiles

“In a market where advanced skills are increasingly rare, it is becoming difficult to remain demanding on the quality of the profiles offered to us.”

Jérémy Benmoussa called on our services because he already knew Beager's expertise. Indeed, in the past, he was an interim management consultant for a mission proposed by Beager. Having particularly appreciated the support and follow-up he received as a talent, he naturally turned to Beager, but from business side this time!

During an initial exchange, we were able to gather his needs and understand the context of Exertis and his research. This process allows, at first, to give concrete feedback on our customer's expectations and to confront them with the latest market trends. Some qualified profiles for a position are sometimes difficult to find if the selection criteria are not adapted (status of the worker, salary range, etc.). In this way, we were able to define a specific search perimeter, while advising Jérémy.

Beager support

“Beager's support throughout the recruitment process was an undeniable advantage in understanding and framing our needs, identifying the right profiles to offer us, conducting interviews and monitoring the integration of new recruits.”

Our customer couldn't write job descriptions when he asked us. To save him time, we offered him around fifty anonymized CVs to define together, according to the profiles proposed, the qualities and skills both necessary for the positions to be filled and immediately available on the market. This support was also invaluable in helping Jérémy identify the personalities who could most easily fit into the context of both positions and the culture of his company.

In fact, this is the uniqueness of our approach: of course, we focus on skills but also, and above all, on the professional project, values and potentialto guarantee a serene and optimal collaboration.

Best teamwork projection

“Beyond Beager's ability to find candidates who meet expectations in terms of “hard skills”, the focus on “soft skills” is very valuable. It allows us (recruiter and candidate) to better project ourselves together in an environment that is sometimes in full transformation.”

While close support is beneficial for our customers, it is also widely appreciated by candidates, especially during interviews. For highly qualified but sometimes introverted profiles, for example, the presence of a neutral third party allows them to be more confident and to obtain transparent feedback on their maintenance performance. The client can deepen their first impression and get a more accurate picture of the candidate's personality.

During the trial period, continuous and regular follow-up is also important, as it makes it possible to identify any problems in advance and thus initiate a discussion with the company and the support of Beager if necessary. For Jérémy, it is a very useful space for exchange since it allows defuse situations that the employer may not be aware of and facilitate future exchanges with the newly hired talent.

The trial period for these two talents was also validated before its end, the company being fully convinced of the potential of these talents with rare skills. Today, Exertis is one of the many customers who trust Beager to find them scarce profiles in an ever tighter market.

Manon Leboeuf
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