TJM Agile Coach: Determining the Fair Value of Your Skills

TJM Agile Coach: Determining the Fair Value of Your Skills

Written by
Thibault Devise
Discover all the specificities of the agile coach position. From the TJM, to the advantages to the missions, we present everything to you.

Before we dive into the details, let us enlighten you on the crucial role that a agile coach in the company.

Average daily rate: Find Your Balance

The world of agile freelancing is a patchwork of skills and experiences. Here's how different skill levels are reflected in average daily rates:

  • Junior : For beginners in the world of agile coaching, the average daily rate is usually around 400 euros. At this stage, the focus is on learning and gaining experience.
  • Intermediate : With a few successful projects under your belt, the average daily rate can change towards the range of 500 to 600 euros. Your expertise is starting to take shape.
  • Senior : Solid experience in various contexts projects the average daily rate of around 750 euros. Your ability to guide and influence is becoming a sought-after value.
  • Expert : At this level, with an established reputation and recognized expertise, the average daily rate can exceed 850 euros. Your name speaks for itself.


Fluctuation of the agile coach's TJM according to Certain Criteria

Several factors can influence the evolution of your TJM.

The location of the post:

Geography plays a major role in pricing your services as an agile coach. Rates vary considerably depending on the region or country where you operate. Urban areas and major economic centers tend to offer higher TJMs because they reflect the cost of living, market dynamics, and local demand.

To give an idea:

Paris: 800 euros

Lyon: 750 euros

Bordeaux: 700 euros

Lille: 700 euros

Skills and certifications:

Your skill set is like a collection of valuable tools in your toolbox. Certifications play a major role in increasing your TJM.

These certifications show that you have acquired recognized expertise and that you have invested in your professional development.

The experience:

Experience is not only measured in years, but also in successes. The more experience you have with diverse and successful agile projects, the more your TJM can reflect your ability to solve complex problems, guide teams, and achieve tangible results.

The nature of the mission:

When you enter a mission, the scope and complexity of the project directly influence your TJM. Missions that require in-depth expertise, a major transformation strategy, or the management of critical issues may justify a higher TMR due to the expected effort and impact.

Job Description of an Agile Coach: Transformation Driver

The agile coach acts as the catalyst for transformation within companies. It guides teams towards agility, by promoting collaboration, communication and self-organization.

Catalyst for change : As an agile coach, you are much more than just an advisor. You need to encourage the business to reinvent itself and use more flexible and adaptive practices. You understand that transformation is a profound cultural metamorphosis.

Agility Guide : Bring the business to agility by showing teams how to work together more harmoniously and effectively. You provide methods, frameworks, and tools that enable teams to better manage complexity and risks.

Fostering Collaboration : One of your main tasks is to promote collaboration at all levels. You help teams exchange ideas and work seamlessly to achieve shared goals.

You will need to develop clear and open communication channels, thus promoting mutual understanding and the rapid resolution of problems.

Nurturing Self-Organization : You guide teams towards greater autonomy and responsibility, helping them to make decisions and adapt quickly to changes.

Strategic Advisor : In addition to working with operational teams, you also interact with company leaders. You advise them on how agility can be aligned with strategic goals, thereby promoting holistic transformation.

Agile Values Model : Your behavior should serve as a model for agile values. Open-mindedness, responsibility, adaptability and collaboration are part of it. You embody these values and encourage others to adopt them.

Innovator and Experimenter : You encourage the company to leave its comfort zone and encourage experimentation. You encourage the testing of new approaches, the search for innovative solutions, and continuous learning.

Job Missions: Success Shaper

The missions vary, from the implementation of agile methodologies to the creation of tailor-made training courses. Each mission aims to make the company evolve towards better agility and greater efficiency.

Implementation of Agile Methodologies : One of your main missions is to guide businesses in adopting and adapting agile methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, and SAFe.

Diagnosis and Improvement : You may be asked to conduct in-depth evaluations of how teams are currently working. By identifying bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and opportunities for improvement, you help direct actions toward greater operational agility.

Individual and Team Coaching : Your role is to help each individual develop agile skills, overcome obstacles, and work together in a harmonious way.

Training Design and Facilitation : You will be called upon to create and lead customized training sessions designed to teach the fundamentals of agility, as well as specific skills such as agile product management, iterative planning, and quality assurance.

Change Management and Cultural Transformation : Businesses will be looking for your expertise to facilitate the cultural changes needed to adopt agility. You play a critical role in creating a culture that values openness, experimentation, and collaboration.

Process Optimization : You work with teams to identify redundant steps, bottlenecks, and inefficiencies within existing processes. Your goal is to make workflows smoother and more suitable for an agile environment.

Training Needed and Skills: Building Your Agility Arsenal


Agile Coach courses:

Although various paths can lead to agile coaching, training in engineering, business, computer or management schools provides convincing results.


An agile coach should be:

  • Flexible to adapt to changing needs
  • Rigorous in maintaining discipline
  • An outstanding communicator to facilitate understanding
  • A pedagogue to transmit knowledge
  • A trainer who can inspire growth


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Thibault Devise
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