Portrait of Juliette, Interim Manager

Portrait of Juliette, Interim Manager

Written by
Manon Leboeuf
Juliette, a manager in transition, presents her background and the advantages of being independent. Discover the qualities needed to become a freelancer.

Juliette is Program Director in interim management. Its role is to support businesses in their transformation. An independent consultant for 10 years, Juliette agreed to look back on her career and took the opportunity to share her valuable advice with us. Discover his portrait, which is both singular and inspiring.  

Could you present your background to us?

As an Information Systems Engineer, I first worked for 7 years in companies and then 7 years in a consulting firm. These experiences led me to gain autonomy until I created my own company. My seniority and the positive feedback from customers now allow me to access management missions.


Juliette, Manager de Transition


In your opinion, what are the advantages of being independent consultant ?

The biggest difference with employees is undoubtedly that we do not share the same challenges since we work on a specific mission both in terms of scope and duration. In this way, we defend the client's objectives while maintaining a strong neutrality. which allows you to communicate more freely with him. Above all, our main objective remains the achievement of the expected results, while being committed to the quality of the service provided.

Being self-employed also means having the possibility to vary our missions, which allows us to constantly cultivate the richness of our analyses and actions.


If you had to name one or more qualities that you think are important for a self-employed person, what would they be?

The concept of map, The sense of service and humanity, this way of rounding corners and taking care of all stakeholders, are certainly strengths when you are independent.


Juliette, Manager de Transition


Only 1 out of 3 freelancers is a woman. What advice could you give to women who want to start?

Above all, they should ask themselves the question of their capacity to thrive in an uncertain and changing context. If the answer is positive, if they are ready to accept permanent change, it is because they are made for freelancing! It is also essential to have a good dose of serenity, a very strong ability to manage stress in order to constantly reassure customers and provide them with concrete solutions.


Juliette, Manager de Transition


To conclude, would you like to share with us an anecdote about a project that impressed you?

At the end of a mission, Beager supported my expertise to position me on an innovation project that seemed fundamental to me for this same client. This subject had been abandoned 3 years earlier and seen as a failure. I was able to put it forward again by making it clear that, on the contrary, this project was an extremely rich source of learning for the company. I gradually succeeded in federate a team of experts around the project to give it a new perspective. With a new Business Plan, this innovation project went from being dusty to taking a stake in a start-up in the field!


Discover the journey of Yamina, Senior Project Manager in PEO.

Manon Leboeuf
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