Digital Project Manager Consultant: missions, skills, training

Digital Project Manager Consultant: missions, skills, training

Written by
Thibault Devise
You are a consultant digital project manager, where do you want to find one? We give you all the keys to reach your goals.

If you are looking for a professional who can successfully carry out digital projects successfully, digital project management consultants are the key to your success. These specialists combine technical skills, strategic vision, and management capabilities to ensure the optimal implementation of your digital projects.

If you are looking for this profile or a similar profile, do not hesitate to contact us.

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What is a digital project manager consultant?

The digital project manager consultant is a multifunctional expert specialized in the management and coordination of digital projects. Its role ranges from needs analysis to implementation, including the definition of specifications and the coordination of teams.

Missions of a digital project manager

As a professional in the field, the digital project manager consultant must:

Studying the feasibility of projects

It plays a crucial role in collaborating with the various departments, including Marketing, HR and Sales. This collaboration aims at a thorough understanding of the needs of each department in order to determine the viability of projects.

This therefore involves interviews with the various clusters, in-depth analyses and taking into account the constraints and opportunities specific to each sector.

Define and design the specifications

The development of the specifications is a fundamental step where the digital project manager consultant combines his understanding of needs with the quality of the deliverable, while respecting the budget and deadlines. It must translate the requirements of the various stakeholders into clear and achievable actions, while maintaining the balance between creativity and operational feasibility.

Write functional and technical specifications

This task involves the detailed creation of documents informing about the specifics of the project, both from a user and technical point of view. It should precisely articulate functional requirements for development teams, while ensuring a clear understanding for stakeholders who do not have knowledge of technical language.

Establish and respect schedules

Time management is crucial in any project. The web project manager consultant develops detailed schedules, defining deadlines, key steps and deliverables. Ensuring compliance with these schedules requires effective coordination with all stakeholders, anticipating possible delays and implementing corrective measures when necessary.

Coordinate the project

Coordination is at the heart of the role of the digital project manager consultant. He must be able to bring together and motivate multidisciplinary teams, including editors, web designers or developers. Ensuring transparent communication and regular monitoring of each stage of the project are essential to maintain alignment and ensure the progress of the project.

Evaluate the quality of deliverables

It is necessary to conduct extensive user tests in order to assess the quality of the deliverables. This includes functional and aesthetic tests, with a particular focus on the user experience. User feedback is analyzed and integrated to continuously optimize project results.

Optimize the functionalities of the platform

The features are focused on constantly improving the user journey. The consultant must therefore work in collaboration with the technical teams to identify areas for improvement, guaranteeing a platform that meets user expectations while remaining in line with the objectives of the project and the company.

Analyze site performance using analysis tools

Performance analysis is done using tracking tools, such as Google Analytics and SEM Rush. The digital project manager assesses key metrics, identifies trends, and proposes strategic adjustments based on this data. The objective is to ensure optimal site performance in line with the objectives set at the start of the project.

Why hire digital project manager consultants

Calling on a digital project manager consultant is proving to be a strategic decision for the success of your digital projects. Specialized, with in-depth expertise in digital and marketing, they offer much more than simple project management.

  • They provide a global vision, ensuring consistency from initial design to final implementation. Rigor and organization guarantee the optimization of budgetary resources without compromising the quality of deliverables.
  • Anticipation of challenges and responsiveness to changes are necessary characteristics. Their experience allows them to anticipate potential obstacles, to strategically adjust plans accordingly, and to maintain smooth progress even in complex situations.
  • By working with multidisciplinary teams, consultants excel in mobilizing interlocutors. Their ability to create collaborative synergy ensures maximum contribution from each member of the team.
  • In addition, as a freelancer, they must keep up to date with the latest news and are therefore often more qualified than permanent employees.

Technical skills

Excellent knowledge of digital and marketing concepts

The digital project manager consultant must have a thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts of the digital domain and marketing. This includes concepts such as traffic acquisition, key performance indicators (KPIs), market trends, and brand awareness.

Control of webmarketing levers and issues related to analytics and data

  • Webmarketing levers: The consultant must master the various levers used to promote an online business, whether through paid referencing (SEA), advertising on social networks, or other traffic acquisition strategies.
  • Analytics and Data: Consultants need to understand the issues associated with collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. This competence makes it possible to make decisions based on accurate information, thus contributing to the effectiveness of actions.

Expert use of CMS

The digital project manager consultant must excel in the use of popular content management systems (CMS), including WordPress, PrestaShop or Magento. This expertise allows it to configure, customize and optimize sites and platforms according to the specific needs of projects.

Advanced use of analytics and tracking tools

The digital project manager consultant must have strong skills in using advanced analysis and monitoring tools to measure user performance and behavior. This includes mastering for example Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, or Content Square. This will therefore allow him to optimize the websites based on the data collected.

Proficiency in the Office pack, ticketing tools, and English

The consultant should be familiar with current tools such as the Office pack (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) for documentation and professional communication.

He must also know how to use ticketing tools such as Jira or Confluence for collaborative project management.

In addition, fluency in English will facilitate communication in an international professional context.

The soft skills needed

The soft consultant skills digital project manager, are just as crucial as technical skills in the job of digital project manager:

Pragmatism in approaching problems

Pragmatism is essential for approaching challenges in a realistic and effective manner. Digital project manager consultants must be able to make informed decisions, identifying solutions that take into account project constraints and available resources.

Strength of proposal and conviction

The ability to come up with innovative ideas and to defend them with conviction is crucial. Digital project management consultants need to inspire trust and gain the support of stakeholders by presenting solid arguments for their recommendations. This will therefore promote the implementation of the proposed solutions.

Rigor and organization in project management

Rigor and organization are essential to successfully carry out complex digital projects.

Defining schedules, managing resources and meeting deadlines require a methodical and organized approach to ensure the successful delivery of the project.

Communication skills and pedagogy

Clear communication and the ability to explain technical concepts in an accessible way are essential.

Digital project management consultants interact with a variety of stakeholders, with different skill levels, and must be able to transmit complex information in a way that is understandable to all teams.

Analytical spirit for effective resolution of challenges

Analytical thinking allows the consultant to break down complex problems into more manageable elements, making it easier to solve challenges effectively. In-depth analysis of data and situations allows informed decisions to be made and risks to be minimized.

Ability to work in multidisciplinary teams

Collaboration is at the heart of the work of a digital project manager. Working in teams with varied profiles, such as writers, developers, designers, such as writers, developers, designers, requires an ability to integrate different perspectives and to promote effective synergy to achieve project goals.

Salary and Development Prospects

Salaries vary according to experience, ranging from 35,000 euros for juniors to over 65,000 euros for seniors.

The TJM (Average Daily Rate) for its part is between 400 for juniors to more than 900 euros for seniors.

In terms of development prospects, the digital project manager consultant can aspire to positions such as digital product manager, marketing manager, PMO, Data analyst, and many other jobs in the digital sector.

Trainings and Prerequisites

The ideal profile has a bac + 5 in a business school or a similar university background.

This training with a bac +3 in the web sector is an additional advantage.

Skills required include expertise in project management, knowledge of web languages (CSS, HTML) and mastery of methods Agiles/scrum.

If you are looking for a digital project manager consultant, contact us!

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Thibault Devise
Updated on:
Content optimization, KPI analysis, and reporting are part of my daily missions.
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